Monthly Update

From The Archives

The OA+D Archives recently received a donation of several significant and early photos and corresponding 4x5 film negatives showcasing Frank Lloyd Wright's newly-constructed Guggenheim Museum in New York. The seven vintage 8 x 10" black & white press photographs and five 4x5 inch film negatives we're originally from the Brown Bros. photographic archive and date circa late 1959. The images show the Guggenheim Museum from different angles on 5th Ave with period cars in abundance. The photos represent important historic documentation of Wright's iconic museum design in its original state before the various additions were added and the streetscape changed.

If you have archival materials related to Frank Lloyd Wright, the Taliesin Fellowship, or any other organic architectural or design items that you're interested in donating for our growing collections, please let us know by contacting us at

Images courtesy OA+D Archives/Eric M. O'Malley Collection